What I do
LOJM has been representing drivers, of all kinds of vehicles, in Traffic and Criminal Courts since 1990. That's nearly 30 years! We cover all 5 boroughs of New York City, as well as Long Island, upstate New York, and New Jersey.
CDL Defense
LOJM understands that fighting traffic tickets, to the CDL driver, means much more than just paying some fines and accruing points. It's about the professional man or woman losing his or her livelihood. LOJM understands that summonses issued, while operating a CDL vehicle, are much more harmful than those written when driving a nonCDL. And, most of the time, if he or she is represented by counsel, the client need not appear in court. This is ideal, as the CDL client is busy crisscrossing this bicoastal country of ours.
Criminal Traffic
Criminal court summonses can name either a corporation or a human being as a defendant. When tickets allege that the driver's license or registration is suspended, or that he or she has been driving recklessly, or without insurance, that human must appear in court with his or her lawyer. The vehicle involved is generally a passenger car. However, when it's a tractor trailer or other commercial vehicle, the corporation is usually named, and it can only be represented by a lawyer, never by a principal or sole shareholder. It doesn't matter if one person owns 100% of the shares. The law protects the human's personal assets invested in the corporation. In return, the law treats a corporation as a separate being, requiring its own attorney.
Traffic Violations
The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles administers the Traffic Court in all 5 boroughs of New York City. This means that Traffic Court is ruled by the iron fist of the central state government, not by elected locals in each county. More specifically, the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles' Rules & Regulations serve as an Iron Curtain to the Administrative Law Judges, or ALJ's. These written-in-stone Rules prohibit the ALJ's from plea bargaining, or automatically dismissing 3 tickets in a bunch of 5, or even automatically dismissing tickets when the cop is a no show. (There are "excusable absences;" did you know that?) The ALJ can't even marry people, like the Staten Island Ferry captain can! Not many potential clients knew this before they retained LOJM. We take the time and effort to provide this Full Disclosure to our first time callers. Over its nearly 3 decades of practice, LOJM has stayed abreast of the latest developments in the Rules & Regs, and use them to its clients' advantage. Call LOJM for a free consultation over the telephone.
Need advice?
LOJM offers a free telephone consultation. We look forward to keeping you on the road!
My Publications
A Clockwork Pothead is available on Amazon and on Kindle, but, if you prefer the crinkle, fresh paperbacks can be had by calling my office at (718) 442-3041. I will personally inscribe each copy at no extra charge!
My story
I have 28 years' experience all across NYC, Long Island, and upstate NY. If you need to drive, contact me. Staten Island Traffic Court has the highest suspension rate in the state. Staten Island TVB has the highest suspension rate in the state. So you'll want an experienced local attorney -- me!